🔥 Reduced FedEx Shipping for CORE One! 🚀
In case you are not happy with a product, or you have changed your mind about it, you are eligible for a return within 60 days after delivery.
You can ask for a refund when the order has not been shipped, at any time. The best way how to handle that is to contact our 24/7 Live Chat (found in the bottom-right corner of the e-shop). This way we can immediately prevent the order from being shipped and process the claim. Be aware that if the order has been packed, even though if it is not showing as shipped, it may not be possible to stop the parcel from going out.
Once the refund process is completed on our side, you will receive a full refund via the payment method you initially used (Credit card, PayPal, etc.). Be aware that money transfers can take up to 14 business days. If you want to make another order right away, you can also be refunded by a voucher tied to your Prusa Account.
If the order has already been shipped, you are eligible to return it without giving any reason within 60 days after delivery. If you are outside of this period, check out our article on Warranty returns for more information.
Shipped goods have to be returned to our warehouse before we can proceed with the refund. In order to prepare the package for return, please follow the steps below:
The returned product(s) will be checked for missing or damaged parts. Discrepancies could influence the refundable amount.
Once the refund process is completed on our side, you will receive a full refund via the payment method you initially used (Credit card, PayPal, etc.).
Be aware that money transfers can take up to 14 business days. You can also be refunded right away by a voucher tied to your Prusa account, should you wish to make a new order immediately.
Only the initial shipping cost is refunded. We do not cover the cost of the return shipping. Since the shipping cost will be the same both ways, in practice this means that the cost of the return shipping is subtracted from the total amount you initially paid when ordering.
Item costs €200, and the shipping costs €20. Return label costs €20.
You will be refunded €200 (220-20).
Refund = Order Total - Return Label Cost
If you provide a carrier and the shipping label for the return yourself, you will be refunded the full amount that you initially paid when ordering. If you provide your own shipping then this must be stated when you contact our customer support who will then makes the claim. Additionally, you must provide us with a tracking number once shipped.
We request that you document and allow us to advise on the packing of the goods, but we take no responsibility for damaged or lost shipments. Unannounced returns to our facilities will cause serious delays of any potential refunds or replacements.